There is no doubt that large oversize architectural doors are a challenge for designers, contractors and end users.
More high-end pivot door installations require heavy doors and hardware. High precision large sliding doors run into problems following installation causing extra maintenance calls and expense.
The basic problem well-known by the most prestigious millworks in the USA and abroad is that most any door over 7 ft. tall will fail due to warp, bending, twisting or cupping. This is a constant source of frustration industry-wide giving way to gasket technology and weather stripping technologies that have grown in popularity in order to mitigate the damages due to dealing with entry doors that inherently will not maintain their door seal over time.
Contractors and woodworkers have established sound business volumes just servicing the warped door markets, regularly calling on facilities hosting large volumes of doors requiring regular maintenance. These warped door specialists know how to fix a door and are experienced in how to fix warped wood.
Modern wood doors in particular invite problems due to the nature of the wood itself which tends to move according to varying season, environmental changes or moisture in the air.
There is a new construction material making its way into the development process that is changing the landscape of architectural doors eliminating the threat of door failure in oversized large doors.
This new patented material goes by the name of Sing Core. The structure is vertical grain torsion box, where the individual box voids are filled wall-to-wall with rigid recycled foam and sealed within stress skins; thus creating a solid lightweight high-strength composite with incredible structural and shear strength. In fact, when independently tested at the University of Washington, the material strength-tested at 660+ PSI – stronger than other honeycomb cores used in the aerospace industry (10 to 110 PSI) – making the Sing Core material stronger than steel pound for pound.
It is this superior strength material in combination with Sing Core’s years of large door manufacturing expertise that allows them to help architects, designers, millworks and contractors to create waterproof and air-tight doors that can be extremely large in size (up to 50 ft.) that can be guaranteed true flat and not to warp, bend, twist or otherwise fail for 50 years.
Weighing in at a fraction of the weight of other solid door core materials – an excellent alternative to heavy modern metal doors – experience a high degree of satisfaction and maintenance-free performance by using less expensive hardware. Plus transporting and installation of doors that are lighter in weight reduces equipment and labor costs.
Another advantage to Sing Core’s unique construction is that it provides a level of insulation (R 3.5 to R 6.5 or more depending on your specifications) which can help keep warm in the winter or cool in the summer while also providing sound deadening qualities that are rarely found in other lightweight door cores.
You may never have to deal with how to fix a warped door, or wondering when to expect a compromised sliding door seal if your door features a Sing Core that can be wrapped in any exterior skin material, like any wood species, aluminum, concrete, fiberglass, FRP, glass, HPL, Kevlar, marine grade plywood, metal, steel, etc… yet still remain lightweight, high strength, straight and true.
Inventor Peter Sing offers free large door consultation to architects and designers in creating the perfect door for your particular project’s design, application and specifications. In this manner, each door is an individual work of art, custom built to stay straight and true regardless of exposure to the elements, heavy use or stress.
This new Eco-friendly building material is manufactured in the inventor’s factory located in the Pacific Northwest’s McCleary, Washington and proudly made in the USA.
Note that the company does not actually create a finished door product; merely designs and builds the door blanks that are finished by the craftsmen, door manufacturers and millworks who finish the doors prior to installation.
If you are interested in using this new technology to deliver to your clients non warping doors that can be guaranteed not to fail under any circumstance* for 50 years, please contact us and we can put you in direct contact with the inventor.
* = Door must have been created to meet the expectation of any predicted circumstances